PNS RAHNUMA is a Human Recourse Development Centre and achieves its aim through a number of courses aimed at developing the quality of the Human Resources in Pakistan Navy. HISTORY PNS RAHNUMA was commissioned in August 1982, as Junior Cadet College. However, with the emergence of new fields of studies the unit was set to undertake the newly assigned role. It resulted in abolishing the JCC and the unit was re-designated as Human Resource Development Centre with additional tasks to conduct D&.L and SDCC Courses. Furthermore, in 1994 Instructional Technique School of HIMALAYA merged with the unit and Junior Officers Staff Duties Course included in the sanction of HRDC in 1996. Arabic Language Course was included in the year 2000. STATUS AND UTILIZATION Unit is organized into four training wings and a section, each conducting courses in its own specialization and headed by an Officer-in-Charge. The working of these wings/section is supervised, monitored, and guided by the Director of Studies, under the overall supervision of the Commanding Officer. The wings/section are: • Human resource Management Wing • Common Courses Wing • Junior Officer Staff Duty Courses Wing • Instructional Techniques Wing • Arabic Language Courses Section COURSES AT HRDC Courses conducted in various Wings / sections are as under: HRM Wing: The courses conducted at this wing are aimed at improving participant's understanding of structural and human aspects of the managerial process. Various factors of Leadership, Motivation, Communication, Decision Making, Organizational Structure and Group Dynamics are covered in these courses. The nomenclatures of courses are as under: COURSES DURATION FREQUENCY • HRM Course for Senior Officers 3 days 1 per year • HRM Course for Junior Officers 2 weeks 1 per year • Leadership Course for Junior Officers 2 week 1 per year • Communication Skills for Junior Officers 2 weeks 1 per year • Communication Skills for CPOs/Sailors 1 week 18 per year Instructional Techniques Wing: Men in uniform are called upon to act as instructor in one capacity or another through out their career. Equipping them with modern techniques of instructions and various tools to facilitate scientific and efficient instructions in the service is the job which is undertaken in IT Wing. Various courses, primarily differing in level of students are conducted as under: COURSES DURATION FREQUENCY • Basic Instructional Techniques for Junior Officers 4 weeks 1 per year • Special Instructional Techniques Junior Officers/Divisional Officers 2 weeks 1 per year • Special Instructional Techniques 2 weeks 18 per year • Advance Instructional Techniques 4 weeks 2 per year • Allied trainees 4 weeks 3 per year • Bahria Colleges 2 weeks 1 per year • Cadet Colleges 2 weeks 1 per year • Civilian Instructors PNS JAUHAR 2 weeks 1 per year • PNET School 2 weeks 1 per year • JOSDC Wing: In this wing Junior Officer Staff Duty Course is conducted for all junior Officers, in addition separate Junior Officer Staff Duty Courses are conducted for GD Cadre Officers. COURSES DURATION FREQUENCY • JOSDC for Cadet Entry Officers 8 weeks 2 per year • JOSDC for GD Cadre Officers 8 weeks - • JOSDC for Direct Entry Officers 3 weeks 1 per year • Common Courses Wing: This is an important wing which conducts development courses for CPOs/Sailors contributing towards their transformation from non commissioned cadre to junior commissioned/ commissioned officers. These courses are: COURSES DURATION FREQUENCY Divisional and Leadership course 13 weeks 4 per year Divisional and Leadership course for domestic branches 10 weeks 3 per year Special Duty Common Course 21 weeks 1 per year Master Chief Petty Officer "Q" 05 weeks 1 per year ALC Section. Arabic Language courses are conducted for the Officers/CPOs/Sailors proceeding on deputation to Arab countries as and when the need exists. COURSES DURATION FREQUENCY ALC course 8 weeks 4 per year FACILITIES HELD Following facilities are available at PNS RAHNUMA Lecture Hall: There are two air conditioned lecture halls with a seating capacity of 35 and 70 respectively. Both the halls are equipped with visual aids and an elaborate sound system. Training Aids. The unit is equipped with all modern audio/visual training aids including computers, multimedia, OHPs and play back system. Computer Lab. Recently a Computer Lab has been set up to conduct computer training which has increased understanding as well as efficiency of the trainees in usage of computer. The Computer Lab has internet facility on local Area Network (LAN) which facilitates the trainees to consult World Wide Web for current and informative topics. Library. The unit is equipped with its own library, which has over 5000 books. The titles are mostly related to subjects of Human Resource Development and Management, but the same is backed by other books on Social Sciences, Military History, Strategy, Languages, and Literature.