Pakistan Naval Academy is the home of initial training of officers of Pakistan Navy. It has also provided basic training to about 2000 officers of Allied Navies. It can proudly claim that the Chief of Naval Staff of Qatar Emiri Navy and many high ranking officers of Royal Saudi Navy as well as other navies in the Gulf are graduates of PNA. The Naval Academy gives professional, moral, educational, mental and physical training to the subordinate officers of the Navy, so that, with time and experience, they develop into proficient Naval officers equipped with the highest ideals of loyalty, honour, courage and devotion to duty, which would be in conformity with the past Islamic history and future aspiration of the people of Pakistan. HISTORY At the outset in 1947, when Pakistan born as a sovereign state, the Pakistan Navy had only a few ships. The lack of expertise at that time, left Pakistan Navy with no option but to send its officers, for training to Britannia Royal Naval College, Dartmouth in UK. Though the training at Dartmouth was considered beneficial, but our cultural differences and divergent operational requirements compelled us to start our own training in Pakistan, with whatever meagre resources were available. The training for Naval Officers in Pakistan was incepted in 1960 by establishing the Academy on board PNS BABUR, a Dido Class Cruiser of Second World War vintage. In 1965, PNS BABUR was required for operational duties and cadets' training was shifted to a a part of the present premises. By 1970, the officers training needs increased substantially due to own requirements as well as to cater for the training of a large number of officers from brotherly Muslim Countries. This necessitated the establishment of an independent training institution. Hence, in December 1970, Pakistan Naval Academy was commissioned as PNS RAHBAR at Manora. Since then, the Academy is fulfilling primary training requirements of officers of Pakistan Navy and other Muslim countries, such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Bahrain, Qatar, Palestine, Turkmenistan, Lebanon, Iran, Ghana, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya and Oman. Up till now a total of 1912 officers from friendly countries have been trained in PNA. The PNA is the first Armed Forces Academy, which is ISO 9001: 2000 certified. The Academy got the status of degree awarding institute in 1965 and the degree of BSc (NA) was used to be given. In 1990, the Academy was affiliated to Karachi University for award of BSc (Hons) degree in Naval Sciences to Naval officers. The same status continued till July 1997. After that, split BE programme started in which cadets are required to complete 36 credit hours at the Academy credited towards BE degree programmes conducted at PNEC and degree is awarded by National University of Sciences & Technology (NUST). Whereas officers in the Logistic Branch get BBA (Hons) degree from IBA. STATUS AND UTILIZATION To give professional, moral, educational, mental and physical grounding to the subordinate officers of the navy, so that, with time and experience, they develop into proficient naval officers, equipped with the highest ideals of loyalty, honour, courage and devotion to duty which would be in conformity with the past Islamic history and future aspirations of the people of Pakistan. TRAINING INFRASTRUCTURE The Cadets are being trained under three different schemes of training at the Academy which are: GL Scheme of Training for PN Regular Entry Cadets Pakistan Navy has always been alive to train its manpower in accordance with the dictates of the time. The training curricula in PN, in particular the officers training schemes, have undergone a radical transformation to meet the challenges of 21st century. Henceforth, the new breed of officers’ corps will be either Engineering Graduates or holders of BBA (Hons) degrees. At the Naval Academy, the cadets spend three terms of six months each and are taught various academic and professional subjects providing them a firm base to undertake their future professional and degree courses available in various PN professional schools. In the Academy cadets are taught subjects in three major disciplines: • Humanities/Academics • Professional • Engineering The Brief introduction to the subjects taught at PNA is: ACADEMICS SUBJECTS • English & Communication Skills • Engineering Physics • Mathematics • Chemistry • Pakistan Studies • Religious Studies PROFESSIONAL SUBJECTS • Seamanship • Rules of the Road • Navigation • Naval Warfare & Operations • Discipline & Organisation • Leadership • Applied Electronics and Naval Equipment • Propulsion Plants • Sea Survival • Parade Training TECHNICAL SUBJECTS • Engineering Drawing • Thermodynamics • Mechanics • Electric Circuits • Algorithm and Computing After successful completion of training at PNA, the cadets are promoted to the rank of Midshipmen and are allocated different branches (Operations, Weapon Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Logistics). Thereafter, on job training is carried out on board ships for a period of six months and midshipmen are then commissioned to the rank of sub-lieutenant. The Operations, Weapon Engineering Branch officers undergo BE (Electronics) programme while those in Marine Engineering qualify BE (Mechanical) from Pakistan Navy Engineering College. The Logistics Branch officers undergo BBA (Hons) course at PN School of Logistics and Management, which is affiliated with IBA Karachi. Midshipmen join the fleet for experiencing an important facet of their training. PN Fleet with its state of the art multi-dimensional platforms offers unique opportunities for all kinds of operational training. The fleet training services are backed by highly competent and committed staff and over 50 years of experience of training officers and sailors of Pakistan and Allied Navies. After six months of training onboard PN ships, these Midshipmen are commissioned as Sub-Lieutenants in three branches, which have further training, individually given as under: Operations Branch For further training Operations Branch Sub-Lieutenants join the Pakistan Navy Engineering College for 3 years. During this period these officers undergo Engineering Degree Program in Electronics, earning them a degree from NUST (National University of Sciences & Technology). After completion of BE (Electronics) these officers join PNS BAHADUR for one year training in Professional subjects. Marine Engineering Branch For Marine Engineering Branch officers, 3 years further training at Pakistan Navy Engineering College in the discipline of Marine Engineering earns them the BE degree from NUST. Weapon Engineering Branch For Weapon Engineering Branch officers, 3 years further training at Pakistan Navy Engineering College in the discipline of Weapon Engineering earns them the BE degree from NUST. Logistics Branch Logistics Branch Officers join the School of Logistics and Management, affiliated with Institute of Business Administration. After 2 Years of training these officers earn Bachelors degree in Business Administration. GL Scheme of Training for Allied Cadets Non Engineering Allied Cadets on completion of all 3 phases of training are awarded BSc (NA) Degree by PNA. The subjects of Chemistry and Algorithm & Computing form part of studies for the Scheme of Training for PN cadets, but are not required to be taught to the Allied Trainees as these are not the pre-requisite for award of BSc (NA) degree. Graduate Cadets Scheme of Training Graduate cadets with BE (Electrical/Electronics) and BE (Mechanical) qualifications from civil universities are inducted for submarine service. After completing their six months training at PNA and six months in PN fleet, they are commissioned as Sub Lieutenants. FACILITIES To train the cadets as per laid down standards, PNA is well equipped with all required training facilities. The detail of which is as follows: a. LABORATORIES Following well-equipped laboratories are available at the Academy for practical training of the cadets: • Physics Laboratory • Chemistry Laboratory • Electrical Engineering Laboratory • Computer Laboratory • Language Laboratory • Marine Engineering Display Center These Laboratories are being fully utilized for running regular practical for which relevant equipment, apparatus and machines are laid out. b. INTERNET FACILITY Internet facility is being provided to cadets through Pakistan Navy’s own ISP. A number of computers are available in Academic Block and Accommodation Block with Internet facility. The Academy has also been connected with Pakistan Educational Research Network (PERN) by Higher Education Commission (HEC). In this network all Universities and degree awarding institutes in Pakistan are connected where the students can share research materials and other educational database with students of other institutes. The cadets have also access to PERN through computers available for Internet. c. LIBRARY AND INFORMATION CENTRE The Academy library is equipped with more than 12000 books in the fields of Engineering, Computer Sciences, Applied and Naval Sciences. A variety of reading material on Basic Sciences, Humanities, Social Sciences and Islamic Studies is also available. Continuous acquisition of the latest editions of books in various engineering disciplines is made to meet the teaching and research needs of the students and the faculty. The Academy subscribes to a large number of engineering periodicals. The Reference Section is provided with adequate reference books, encyclopedias, dictionaries, handbooks and which offer conducive environment for study. The library inventory is computerized for convenience of users. Text book bank has also been facilitated with sufficient number of textbooks, which are issued to the cadets for the whole term. d. ACCOMMODATION AND DINING FACILITIES A beautiful newly constructed triple storey hostel is available with the capacity of 99 furnished rooms. A dinning hall is also located near cadets accommodation. Guest room, billiards room, washer man shop, barber shop etc is also located near cadets accommodation. A canteen also exists near by which remains open till late night. e. MOSQUE A beautiful mosque is located adjacent to cadets accommodation to facilitate them to offer their prayers in a peaceful atmosphere. f. AUDITORIUM The Academy has a fairly large auditorium for conducting debates/declamations, quiz competitions, lectures by guest speakers, screening of movies for the cadets, variety programme etc. g. SPORTS FACILITIES The Academy has a vast range of indoor and outdoor sports facilities. The outdoor games include cricket, hockey, football, volleyball, tennis etc which are conducted at sports complex located near the Academy. The indoor games include squash, table tennis, billiards, badminton etc. in addition a fitness centre is also available for the cadets. h. TRANSPORT The transport pool of the Academy has sufficient number of vehicles of various categories which are effectively used for training visits, participation in sports fixtures and extra-curricular activities etc outside the Academy. Pick and drop facility is also provided to the faculty members on subsidized payment. j. DISPENSARY The Academy has a dispensary (Sick Bay) which provides services round the clock with permanently posted medical officer and necessary Para-medical staff. An ambulance is always available to deal with emergencies. During sports events, paramedical staff remains available to provide medical cover and First Aid. In addition, First Aid boxes are also available/installed at various locations in the Academy. k. CAFETERIA A cafeteria is also located in the Academy which provides a variety of snacks/light refreshments on subsidized rates to the cadets. High standards of hygiene and cleanliness are maintained. l. EXTRA-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES To groom the personality of potential officers of Pakistan Navy as well as to build a B academic background, following extra-curricular activities are provided in the Academy: • Declamation Contests • Quiz Competitions • Lectures by Guest Speakers • Adventure Trips • Sports • Clubs • Outward Bound Activities The cadets have brought laurels to the Academy by winning a number of debate/declamation contests at all Pakistan level.