Pakistan Navy War College is the premier institute and a highest seat of learning in Pakistan Navy. The College has passed through an evolutionary process of steady transformation to become a centre of excellence in maritime studies. Its nascent days started with Pakistan Navy Staff School, which was established at Manora, Karachi, in 1968 to conduct Junior Staff Course (JSC) to teach elementary staff work to officers. The school was shifted to Karsaz, Karachi, in 1970 and the efforts to upgrade the school to the level of PN Staff College commenced soon after. With the commencement of first PN Staff Course (PNSC) on 6 May 1971, it was formally inaugurated as PN Staff College in a make shift building. Since then, the College has been conducting Staff Courses on regular basis. By 1995, staff course was declared as career milestone resulting in increased induction of officers in PN Staff College; making it inevitables to shift to a proper building. At this time, it was decided to shift the college to Lahore to enhance maritime awareness among the general populace and academia. Pending construction of purpose-built campus, a building on the Mall Road was acquired, altered to meet the purpose and inaugurated in August 1996 as Pakistan Navy War College. 25th PN Staff Course commenced at Lahore in August 1996. Meanwhile to meet the international standards, a state of the art building equipped with latest technology was envisaged thus, site for the new campus was selected at Walton and the construction work commenced in 2012. New building was inaugurated by the Prime Minister of Pakistan on 17 October 2014. The 44th PN Staff Course commenced in new purpose-built campus of PN War College.
SCOPE OF STUDIES At PN War College, emphasis is made on the following aspects of studies:
a. Decision making b. Leadership skills c. Managerial skills d. Logical & rational thinking e. Effective reading f. Clarity of expression g. Systematic planning h. Staff procedures
COURSES OFFERED PN War College offers two kinds of Staff Courses:
LEARNING METHODOLOGY Pursuing the SDL, PN War College has adopted a quadrilateral instructional approach, which consists of the following laterals:
a. Lecture(s)g b. Tutorial Discussions c. Managerial skills d. Schemes e. Research Questions
Here, an issue or a subject is presented through a Lecture by a ‘Subject Matter Expert’ (SME), which is discussed through an interactive session in the Syndicate, called Tutorial Discussion, followed by a Scheme, and finally the participants are asked to carry out further research through specific Research Questions.
TRAINING PROSPECTS College has earned a place of high repute as an institution imparting quality education not only amongst the Armed Forces of Pakistan but also among various regional and extra regional countries. Total 1860 graduates including 1324 from Pakistan Navy, 72 from Pakistan Army, 68 from Pakistan Air Force, 03 Civilians and 393 Allied Officers from 30 friendly countries have passed out from PN War College since 1971.
Pre-Course Studies Course members are required to read a lot during their stay at the College. They are advised to develop fast reading skills with an aim to grasp the essential of a subject, while reading a book or a document. Participants of the Staff Courses are advised to undertake preliminary studies on the following topics:
• Preliminary staff skills • Concept of inductive & deductive reasoning • Military leadership • Concept & evolution of military strategy with particular emphasis on maritime strategy • Military history – covering both strategic and operational aspects • Concept of modern warfare • Pakistan's neighboring countries