A well-equipped library with approximately 7424 books, including professional magazines, periodicals, newspapers and journals is functioning at PNPI. Books of Reference and relevant textbooks prescribed in the syllabus are also available for issuance to the instructors / apprentices. Internet Facility is also available to instructors and students.

Workshops & Laboratories
The institute has well equipped laboratories and workshops.
Major workshops/labs are:

Sports & Extra Curricular Activities
PN Civilian Apprentices are encouraged to participate in sports and extra curricular activities for character building and developing leadership qualities. This includes debates, dramas, quiz and sports competitions at PN and COMLOG Command level.

Medical Facilities
Perfect physical fitness at all times is one of the essential requirements. The basic medical and first aid facilities are available at PNPI. For further detailed medical examination and diagnosis, the individual is reffered to Base Medical Center(BMC) in PN Dockyard or PNS SHIFA upon advice of Medical Oficer or Specialist.