Admission Procedure
Induction |
Duration of each course |       03 Years |
Pre-Requisites |
Commencement of Academic Session |        Academic session commences on 1 Jan each year |
Pass Percentage |       60 % (in each subject & aggregate) |
Technologies |
Training Scheme - Morning
Training of Civilian Apprentices is divided into two phases:
- Phase - I  : 02 years training at PNPI.
- Phase - II : 01 year specialized training at PN Dockyard / PN Units
The performance of the apprentices is evaluated through continuous assessment and examinations that are spread over the entire training programme. Minimum pass percentage is 60% in each subject as well as in aggregate. Annual assessment is based on the following:
- 40% of the annual exam
- 30% of the mid term exam
- 20% of the assignments
- 10% of the monthly tests
Three years Diploma of Associate Engineering (DAE) with specialization in Naval professions, endorsed by Sindh Board of Technical Education (SBTE), is awarded in respective technologies to successful apprentices.
Indenture Form
Upon joining PNPI for training, each apprentice is required to submit an agreement on Stamp Paper binding himself to serve Pakistan Navy for a minimum period of eight (08) years after completion of apprenticeship training. Failing which the apprentice himself, his Father/Guardian or the surety will be liable to refund to the government, all stipends received, the training expenses/compensation with interest.