1. The programme started at 0830 with the recitation of Holy Quran. Just after that, Principal PNPI addressed the Ship’s Company / Apprentices and highlighted the importance of independence. National flag hoisting ceremony and Singing of National Anthem were performed along with the entire nation, at 0900.
2. A Speech competition was held to enhance awareness about significance of independence and sense of patriotism among PN civilian apprentices and staff. Out of Eight contestants, Mr. Muhammad Naeem of 2nd Year (Construction) and Mr. Aarish Adeel of 2nd year (Electronics) were declared winner and runner up of the competition respectively. Besides this, an inter house quiz competition also took place in which Liaquat house stood first & Iqbal house stood 2nd. Principal PNPI distributed prizes among the winners. Apprentices also participate in the singing of national songs / Milli Naghmas.
3. Finally, Tug-Of-War match among apprentices and NSSD Area Team was conducted; PN Civilian apprentices won the match. On culmination of the activities, sweets / refreshments were served among Ship’s Company & apprentices.